Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unexpected Events

Today was some what of a revelation. I honestly feel shocked because I let my guard down. To think I didn't notice anything, devastates me so much, my reaction time has slowed. It really does feel unreal. I would never thought my Sister's boyfriend could be a potential threat towards my little sister. And to have her come out and tell me he touched her while she was sleeping, left me with so many conflicting emotions. I just so glad my baby sister had the courage to tell me about it. So we were able to snip it in the bud before anything more happened.
  Of course now My sister who has a perverted boyfriend came to the conclusion that our little sister is lying because her boyfriend would never do such a thing, he says. What disturbs me even more is that She knows what its like to be put into this type of situation, because she was raped, and her/our own Aunt didn't want to believe that her own husband could ever do such a thing to his niece. REALLY? And of course, she up and left the house in less than 20 minutes. I guess.

  I, Myself know what its like to be molested by the ones you'd least expect. The ones, you call family. Well they were more like distant relatives, still non the less, it happened and it took a really long time to get past the majority of it. I'm still in the process of healing, and it's not easy cause now I'm left with all these conflicting issues getting in the way of my success. But I can definitely say I have come a long way, and I'm proud of myself.
  So now in this very moment my little sister and I, feel so betrayed because she chose to believe her lover, and baby's daddy over family. I guess that's what so called love does to you. It makes you blind. And you make mistakes. But since she knew our Aunt chose her husband over her, and she knows she was telling the truth, You'd think you would be able to see that your boyfriend is lying. Well like I was saying Love really does make you do things you're going to regret later. Because at least my Sister had the nerve to say she know she's making a mistake. STUPID!!

I hope that when I do come to love someone, I won't have to come across such a situation. I'd like to think and pray that I would do the right thing and not just have love blind me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


With Each

Green of
The Garden
Is Hot,
Too Hot.

Like Sound,
Or Colour,
Or Shape-

The Blue
And White
Are Bold.

All An

By Unknown


when i look at myself
in the mirror
i see a distorted figure
a stranger
it isn't me i see
its someone weak
someome filthy
i see a very lonely person
she's always crying
always harsh
and distant
so cautious
and wary of everyone
her heart is shattered
so fragile and small
she doesn't trust
she wants to hate
yet she can't
She's misunderstood
who am i?
where do i belong
why can't i be strong
She's tied down
by her past
and doesn't know how to
free herself
this agony
and pain
its wooven
I look at Myself
and see her
growing weaker
so helpless
withering away
when will it end
when will i be able
to walk forward again
will i be able to free myself from these
chains that bind her?
only time can tell!